Nutrition And Customized Pizza: How To Make Your Custom Creation Healthier

Posted on: 29 August 2023

If you're like most people, you don't consider pizza to be a particularly healthy food. However, a pizza can be customized not just to satisfy your cravings, but to also add nutritional value to your meal. Start by understanding the basics—carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals are all essential components of a well-rounded diet. Here's what you need to know about how customized choices can make your pizza healthier:

Choose the Right Crust

The base is the first building block of your pizza. Go for whole grain or cauliflower crust as an alternative to the traditional white flour crust. Whole grains provide you with more fiber, which aids in digestion and helps keep you full longer. Cauliflower crusts are a great option if you're looking to lower your carb intake, and they offer additional nutrients like Vitamin C.

Get Saucy, but Wisely

When you're at the sauce selection stage, opt for options that are lower in sugar and sodium. Traditional tomato sauce is a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant that has been linked to various health benefits. However, you can switch things up by using pesto, which gives you a healthy dose of good fats and adds a unique flavor to your pizza.

Pick Lean Proteins

While it might be tempting to go for the meat lovers' special loaded with various types of meat, this could add unnecessary saturated fats to your meal. Instead, aim for lean proteins like grilled chicken, turkey, or even tofu. These options not only complement the flavors but also add essential amino acids without the extra unhealthy fats.

Don't Skimp on Veggies

Think of your pizza as a blank canvas that you can load with a rainbow of veggies. From bell peppers and tomatoes to spinach and arugula, the options are endless. These veggies not only add color and crunch but also offer a variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The more colorful your pizza, the more diverse the nutrient profile.

Be Mindful of Cheese and Add-ons

Cheese is the quintessential pizza topping, and while it provides calcium and protein, it's also high in saturated fats and sodium. Opt for a lighter sprinkle of a strong-flavored cheese like Parmesan or feta, which lets you use less while still achieving a satisfying taste. Be cautious with add-ons like olives and anchovies, which can be high in sodium.

Final Touches

For those who enjoy a bit of spice, adding a sprinkle of red pepper flakes or a dash of hot sauce not only elevates the flavor but can also boost metabolism. If you want an extra layer of flavor, a small drizzle of high-quality olive oil can provide a source of healthy fats. Enjoy a healthier, customized pizza today!
